
Neag School Brand

As members of the Neag School community, we all have the opportunity to serve as brand ambassadors for the School we love. Sharing approved, unified branding visually and in our messaging helps us do that.


Why start from scratch when the Neag School Office of Communications did the hard work for you? Check out branded templates to help you amplify the Neag School brand through presentations, posters, and other materials.

Neag Templates

Social Media Accounts

Want to launch a social media account for your department, unit, program, or lab? Fill out our Request Form to send us your goals and set up a time to develop an action/maintenance plan. This ensures you're using your energy effectively to achieve your goals. Please note all new account owners must receive approval from the Neag School Director of Communications and also submit a request form to University Communications before launching a social media handle.

Digest Guidelines

Relevant and timely news, events, and other announcements with the Neag School community and University-wide can be shared through email digests that are released daily or weekly.

Digest Guidelines

Your Neag Materials

As we are all ambassadors for the Neag School, it's important to keep your Neag-affiliated materials up to date. This includes your Faculty or Staff webpage on the Neag School website, and your Neag-branded business cards and letterhead.

University Brand Resources

UConn's Office of University Communications provides resources, information, and guidelines related to proper use of University of Connecticut branding.

Communications Policies & Procedures

In order to have the most successful experience possible, it's important for Neag School units requesting service through the Office of Communications to understand the processes and responsibilities of both parties.

Neag Communications Policies & Procedures