What We Do

News Writing & Media Relations

The Neag School's Office of Communications helps the Neag School community share research, scholarship, community impact, and major School announcement news. We produce a wide variety of stories that are distributed across our channels, including UConn Today and social media platforms. We work closely with University Communications to share news releases and facilitate interviews with the media.

Two camera operators record someone not on screen.

Branding Expertise & Marketing

The Office of Communications oversees the Neag School's visual identity guidelines, messaging, and manages the School's brand. We help to ensure that materials created by our team and by administrative and academic units, faculty, and staff, follow the School's and University's brand guidelines. We produce materials that elevate the Neag School and support its Strategic Plan. We can also meet with you to ensure your projects are in compliance with Neag School/University brand standards, communications best practices, and are ADA compliant. We can also provide strategies for the most successful deliverables and connect you with freelancers/vendors for creative support.

A screenshot of the Neag School of Education brand toolkit

Digital Strategy & Support

The Neag School's Office of Communications ensures the strategic use and promotion of the School's digital footprint, including social media, email marketing, and newsletters. We also oversee and support the Neag School's vast website ecosystem, and can help departments and programs design and launch their sites in accordance with University guidelines and web best practices.

Two women work on laptops at a table.

Graphic Design

Graphic design support is available for promotional materials for departments and programs within the Neag School, or we can act as a liaison with University Design Services for larger projects. Our team can also provide guidance on printing options, including UConn's Document Production Center or outside vendors.

Pile of brochures on a table.

Photography & Videography

The Neag School's Office of Communications can provide support in professional video production, including planning, shooting, and editing. Our team also captures exciting Neag School moments through photography. For larger projects, we can also connect you with freelancers for high-end multimedia production.

Two video cameras record a woman sitting in front of a green screen.

Event Promotion

Planning an event? While all logistics are up to you, the Office of Communications can help spread the word about your event to our relevant audiences. We can also supply you with Neag School-branded items, such as vertical banners and tablecloths, or giveaway promotional items.

An event program stands on a table.


Want to learn more about working with the media? Interested in launching and maintaining a social media account? Want to learn how to make minor website edits in WordPress? Need help learning how to take better photos and videos with your mobile phone? We're here to help provide professional tips and insights for your communications questions.

Students sit in a classroom.