Business Cards & Letterhead

Per the University's Office of Communications, it is essential that all UConn stationery items be of consistent design and print quality.

A variety of official templates, both print and electronic, are available for order via the vendor AlphaGraphics on HuskyBuy. No other means of producing stationery is allowed.

For assistance, please contact your department or office administrator. Administrators looking to place an order on behalf of a Neag School department or program for stationery materials through UConn’s HuskyBuy system must take the following steps:

  1. Download a proof (in PDF format) of the desired item(s) and email it to the Neag School’s Publicity and Marketing Administrator, Shawn Kornegay (, for review and approval before the item is added to the cart, any payment is made, or the order is processed.
  2. Once Shawn Kornegay has provided final approval of the item (and/or any necessary edits have been made to the item and reviewed/approved), be sure to note this when placing the order. The Neag School’s Business & Grant Services team will check that this step in the review process has been completed prior to approving payment for the order.

Guidelines for Business Card and Stationery Templates

  • Adhere to correct fields. (Always remember to select “Neag School of Education” in HuskyBuy)
  • Avoid abbreviations. (NOTE: Never abbreviate “Neag School of Education” as “NSoE” and never use all caps for “NEAG” in “Neag School.”)
  • Avoid hyphens.
  • Avoid including “http://” and “www.” in your URLs.
  • Evenly distribute words between lines (i.e., don’t leave one word alone on a line).
  • Be sure to use official department/office names and titles.
  • Be consistent. For instance, if you are using ampersands and hyphens, use them throughout.
  • Put pronouns in the first title field and keep in lowercase, no parenthesis, e.g., she/her/hers, they/them/theirs.

Please refer to the University's Brand website for more information. Note: The primary logo on all business cards and stationery items is the main University wordmark. You can elect to use the Neag School wordmark, or your department or office wordmark, as a secondary logo.

Stationery Samples

Business Cards

Sample UConn business card

UConn business card

Sample UConn business card

UConn business card with secondary logo option


Sample UConn letterhead

UConn letterhead

Sample UConn letterhead

UConn letterhead with secondary logo

Sample UConn letterhead

UConn letterhead for dual appointments