Policies & Procedures

The Neag School's Office of Communications maintains the following policies and procedures to ensure specific brand standards are met and to strategically leverage the Office of Communications' resources in support of the entire School. Please click or tap on an individual policy or procedure below to learn more.

Books Collection

Neag School Faculty Books Collection

Adopted: 2016; Updated: 2023


From year to year, Neag School faculty members prove themselves to be very prolific in writing and publishing books, book chapters, journal articles, reports, and a variety of other scholarly materials. In the spring of 2015, the Dean’s Office coordinated a display of assorted books and white papers written by Neag School faculty to place on display in time for the NCATE accreditation visits. Since then, a permanent collection has been curated and is refreshed on an annual basis. Displaying books authored by our faculty members provides the opportunity to showcase the Neag School’s high-level talent and expertise to visitors, as well as fellow faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Location The built-in wall display case adjacent to Gentry 315E, which already featured lighting and locked, glass casing, was refurbished over the winter of 2015-16 with new backing and shelves for the purpose of housing the rotating book collection. Signage/lettering to further highlight the space will be added in early 2023. Key Criteria Materials featured in the Neag School books collection will meet the following criteria:

Books that …

  • Have been authored, co-authored, or edited by Neag School alumni or current faculty
  • Represent the most recent edition of that publication
  • Have been published by a top-quality academic university press or publishing house; volumes can behardcover or paperback, but must be perfect-bound
  • Have been published within the past five years

Academic research journals that …

  • Are housed/edited/co-edited by Neag School faculty
  • Represent the most recent volume of that journal
  • Perfect-‐bound (i.e., not saddle-‐stitched, stapled, spiral-‐bound, etc.)


  • Materials donated to the Neag School Books Collection will not be replaced or reimbursed if lost, damaged, or borrowed and not returned
  • In the event of multiple books having been submitted by an individual faculty member, the final selection of books to be displayed will be at the discretion of the Dean’s Office
  • Book chapters, journal articles, white papers, appendices, manuscripts, self-published materials, magazines, newspapers, unbound or out-of-print materials, and/or numerous editions of the same book are not tobe included in the featured display.

Solicitation of Books

  • Ask department heads twice a year (January and July) to share with their respective faculty members a request for one copy of any materials that meet the above key criteria.
  • Issue a series of requests – via the Neag News email – twice each year (January and July), soliciting from current faculty one copy of any materials that meet the above criteria.
  • Issue a request via social media platforms to Neag School alumni willing to donate a copy of a book (or books)they have published within the past five years.

Lending Materials

While the Dean’s Office does not have the resources available to promote and maintain an active lending library (e.g., signing out borrowed books, tracking down returns/lost books, maintaining spare copies of volumes, renewing materials, etc.), any requests that may come from current students to borrow a volume will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Signage within the display will provide relevant contact information.


  • Refresh the collection in August each year, in time for the start of the academic year, eliminating books older than five years or authored by faculty no longer with the Neag School
  • In January of each subsequent year, add copies of any newly published books to the display.


Please contact neag-communications@uconn.edu.


Materials donated to the Neag School Books Collection will not be replaced or reimbursed if lost, damaged, or borrowed and not returned.

Digital Signage

Digital Signage Policy for the Neag School

Adopted: 2016; Updated: 2023


To provide a designated space in central locations within the Gentry Building for digital posting of timely, relevant Neag School announcements and marketing communications targeting the Neag School community.

General Guidelines

All messaging must contribute to, and be consistent with, the overall position of the Neag School of Education. The focus of content posted to the LCD screens is intended to be geared toward the Neag School community, including current and prospective students and/or faculty and staff. All postings will follow University branding guidelines and will be based on templates created by the Dean’s Office.

Types of Content

The Neag School’s digital signage may be used to publicize events, services, resources, or other items of interest to the Neag School community, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Neag School general announcements
  • Upcoming events (e.g., featured speakers, symposia, faculty-staff meetings, etc.)
  • Upcoming local, regional, and national conferences of interest to students and/or faculty
  • Upcoming due dates and deadlines for students and/or faculty and staff
  • Scholarship information/deadlines for students
  • Neag School student group events/meetings announcements
  • Faculty office hours
  • General promotion of Neag School and/or its communications channels (e.g., Neag School website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Neag News)§ Neag School Twitter feed
  • RSS feeds (e.g., news stories from UConn Today, Neag School)
  • Faces of Neag series (quotation and photo)
  • Contact Info for Neag School
  • Neag School U.S. News rankings
  • General ads for Neag School programs
  • Photo slideshows

Approval Process and Conditions

All requests for digital signage space are to be submitted via a web form that must be filled  out by the individual/group requesting the space. Submit your request at communications.education.uconn.edu/start-a-request.

Web form requests must be submitted by 9 a.m. on the Friday prior to the week intended for posting (e.g., For a posting to be displayed on Wednesday, June 10, please submit the completed web form request by Friday, June 5).

Please include on the request form such details as:

  • Date and time of event
  • Location of event
  • Name of sponsoring group or department
  • Brief background information regarding the event/speaker/announcement
  • Cost to participate (if applicable)
  • High-resolution image (if applicable)
  • URL and/or relevant contact information for event participation (if applicable)
  • Preferred start and end dates for the posting (Please also indicate any preferences regarding recurrence of posting, e.g., Post once per week for four consecutive weeks)

Digital signage space is available on multiple screens in the Gentry Atrium as well as outside of Rooms 003, 126, and 128.

Submitted copy may be subject to editing for length, style, or clarity. All edits to submitted content, as well as assignment of digital signage space, are at the discretion of the Director of Communications & Digital Strategy in the Dean’s Office. All postings must be approved by the Director of Communications & Digital Strategy prior to being displayed.

The Dean’s Office further reserves the right to limit:

  • The number of postings displayed for any one event
  • The number of postings associated with any one group or department
  • The duration of any one posting

Submissions from groups external to the Neag School will not be accepted. (Exceptions will be made for University-wide alerts, or on a case-by-case basis.)

There will be no paid advertising.

Event Promotion & Branding Support

Event Promotion & Branding Support Policy

Updated: 2023


In a continued effort to build upon the practice of open communication between the Dean’s Office and the Neag School’s various departments and programs, program administrators/departments in the Neag School that are planning to host an internal Neag School-affiliated event will work in consultation with the Neag School’s Publicity and Marketing Administrator to ensure oversight on branding standards; publicity and marketing timelines; and event logistics.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Publicity and Marketing Administrator will serve as the point person in managing the following:

  • Ensuring appropriate branding standards for signage, nametags, letterhead, business cards, invitations, slides, and any associated marketing collateral
  • Testing, scheduling, and sending electronic event invitations and/or production, printing, and distribution of hard-copy event invitations (if needed)
  • Production and delivery of associated marketing materials, such as handouts or event programs (if needed)
  • Securing promotional items/gifts (if needed)
  • Assigning/directing event photographers (if needed)
  • Utilizing Qualtrics to support event planning/programming (if needed)
  • Ensuring program administrator is connected with IT/technology needs (if needed)

The program administrator/department or research center sponsoring the event will continue to rely on a point person in their respective area to:

  • Reserving event space
  • Provide the Publicity and Marketing Administrator with accurate invitee lists (e.g., email or snail mail addresses)
  • Track RSVPs to an event (if needed)
  • Produce nametags (if needed)
  • Reserve catering (if needed)
  • Add the event to the School-wide events calendar

Note: The Neag School Publicity and Marketing Administrator and Director of Communications and Digital Strategy will continue to assist, as in the past, in promoting upcoming events via targeted email campaigns, social media ads, internal and University-wide email listservs and calendars, and/or other communications channels as appropriate in accordance with any given event’s available budget.


The Publicity and Marketing Administrator will consult on the branding, event logistics, and publicity for Neag School-affiliated events taking place in (and, in some cases, beyond*) the Gentry Building, including:

  • Recruitment/Open House events for prospective students
  • D.E.M.O. mentor programming events
  • Student orientations
  • Symposia, speakers, panel discussions, and/or partner summits associated with Neag School departments/programs or research centers

*Oversight of other external events may be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Dean’s Office.

Levels of Event Logistics Support Provided by Publicity and Marketing Administrator

I. Consult on branding; consult on event planning from start; coordinate/manage invitations, promotion of event, promotional items, event space, printed marketing collateral, photography, etc.

Dean’s Office-Sponsored Events

  • D.E.M.O. Events
  • IB/M Open House Recruitment Events
  • Student Orientations
  • Celebration of Diversity
  • Scholarship Celebration

II. Consult on branding; consult on event planning from start; assist with invitations, promotion of event, and production/delivery of associated marketing materials as needed with point person in respective department/program/research center

Research Center-Sponsored Events

  • CBER Events (e.g., 10-Year Anniversary, GA Research Symposium)
  • CEPA Events (e.g., Speaker Series)
  • CPED Events (e.g., PTI)
  • PBIS Events (e.g., NEPBIS Summer Behavioral Institute)

Department-Sponsored Events

  • Conferences/Symposia (e.g., DATIC, iPads Conference, Modeling Conference, Master’s Day of Research)
  • Partner Summits (e.g., Teacher Education Partner Summit)
  • Receptions/Graduations (e.g., HESA Graduation Reception)
  • Information Sessions (e.g., Executive Leadership, UCAPP, TCPCG)

III. Consult on branding; assist with planning and logistics as needed, but event ultimately under the purview of the Director of Alumni Relations and/or Development Officer(s)

  • Alumni-Focused Events
  • Annual Alumni Awards Celebration
  • Sport Management Alumni Networking Events
  • Donor-Focused Events

    IV. Can consult on branding and provide recommendations/communications support, but event ultimately under the purview of the student group and associated department

    Student-run events

    • Beyond the Field Series
    • Leadership in Diversity (L.I.D. Conference)

    Photo Sharing Protocol

    Neag School Photo Sharing Protocol

    Updated: 2023

    Students and/or faculty who capture photographs at Neag School-affiliated events or other Neag School meetings or activities are invited to share a selection of such files with the Neag School Communications Team, which may consider using this imagery in social media posts, or in future marketing materials, news stories, and/or other communications. Please note that capturing photos of minors, including photos of minors in school settings, requires permission.

    To share photography files with Neag School Communications:

    1. Review the photographs captured and select the highest-quality and most dynamic 10-15 images (e.g., avoid photos that are blurry, or that show individuals with closed eyes or red eye).
    2. For each of the 10-15 photos selected, gather as much comprehensive information (“metadata”) as possible regarding what/whom is depicted. For instance, for photos captured at a Neag School-affiliated event, indicate the following for each image:
      • Title of the event
      • Event location
      • Date,
      • Purpose
      • General audience
      • Names, titles, and/or academic program affiliations of any individuals pictured, as applicable. Be clear about which metadata corresponds with which image.
      • Name of the individual to whom photo credit should be attributed as well.
    3. Send the select photos, along with all corresponding metadata for each photo, to Shawn Kornegay via email (shawn.kornegay@uconn.edu) or via UConn’s One Drive/SharePoint system (share the folder/email the link to shawn.kornegay@uconn.edu).

    NOTE: Posting of photographs from events and other activities, either on the web or in other communications media, is at the discretion of the Neag School Communications Team. Photos from events will likely not be shared via social media unless provided in a timely manner, typically within 48 hours of the event.

    As always, photography support may be requested for Neag School-affiliated events and various other needs. To request support, complete the Neag School Office of Communications request form at communications.education.uconn.edu/start-a-request, and the Neag School Communications Team will do its best to accommodate your needs based on available resources.

    Promotional Item Policy

    Neag School of Education Promotional Item Policy

    Adopted: 2017; Updated: 2023

    How to Make a Promotional Item Request

    As of July 1, 2017, each incoming request for Neag School promotional items is subject to review by the Dean’s Office. As of July 1, 2022, the University only has one approved vendor for promotional items: John Michael Associates Inc., or JMA.

    Requests for standard promotional items must be submitted in writing by the department administrator by filling out the Neag School Office of Communications Request Form at communications.education.uconn.edu/start-a-request.

    Requests must be made at least five business days minimum prior to the event/need. For larger-scale or special orders, or for items that need to be shipped to an off-site location, please submit your request a minimum of 8 weeks ahead; as much extra notice as possible is necessary, as vendors vary in terms of delivery timelines.

    The Dean’s Office will make every effort to fulfill all requests in a timely manner, as well as procuring items at the best quality and price possible using the university’s approved vendor. However, please note that orders for items not currently in the School's general inventory will vary in terms of delivery timelines and that last-minute requests may not be possible to fulfill.

    If the incoming request is related to a revenue-generating program/event:

    • The individual requesting the item(s) will be informed of the Neag School promotional item policy as well as an outline of the quoted cost(s) for each requested items(s), all or a portion of which may be billed to the program’s account.

    If there are particular item(s) your department/faculty requests for an upcoming event or function and sufficient inventory is not available:

    • The Dean’s Office can obtain a quote for the requested item(s), place the order on behalf of the requester, and charge back the appropriate dollar amount to the requesting department’s KFS account. In certain instances, it may be possible to expedite orders to some extent, though this is not guaranteed. Such requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and rush orders may be subject to extra charges, related to shipping, rush graphic design/artwork, or other fees.

    Artwork must receive signoff from the Neag School Communications Team as having met UConn’s branding standards. If department/program staff place an order with JMA themselves through HuskyBuy, the artwork/proof of the items must still be approved by the Communications Team.

    Programs/departments/centers that request promotional items branded with their specific program/department wordmark and/or URL are, by nature, special orders that are no longer useful for general consumption by any target audience of the Neag School. Such orders willtherefore be charged back to the program/department and may, in some cases, also be subject to extra fees (e.g., graphic design work).


    The Neag School of Education offers a broad inventory of branded, promotional items featuring the Neag School’s wordmark and URL. This cache of items — which range from pens, pencils, and notepads to flash drives, travel mugs, and water bottles — is typically replenished on an annual basis (with orders placed in July, at the start of each fiscal year) andis intended to be made available to help promote the Neag School brand to a wide variety of audiences.

    In recent years, requests for Neag School-branded promotional items have risen dramatically. Funded by the Dean’s Office, the promotional inventory is primarily intended to serve as a ready source of items that can be given, for instance, as thank-you gifts or tokens of appreciation to alumni, donors, and/or stakeholders/special guests (speakers, visitors, etc.).

    In addition to these customary uses, however, incoming requests have recently expanded to include use of Neag School promotional items as recruitment tools; giveaways at events, school visits, or workshops; and/or as thank-you gifts on a larger scale, with individuals often requesting hundreds of items at a time to give away as part of a single research project and/or afternoon of event programming.


    Given the current financial climate at UConn and in the state of Connecticut, large-quantity requests may be subject to charge, using the requester’s KFS account — particularly if the incoming request is related to a revenue-generating program/event (e.g., recruitment, research).

    The quantity as well as the type of item(s) requested may dictate the capacity to fulfill a request. For instance, a request for 10 pens and 10 notepads incurs a different (smaller) cost than a request for 100 travel mugs. At the same time, a one-time request for 400 branded folders may be subject to charge, given its depletion of available inventory.

    The Dean’s Office will make every effort to notify, as swiftly as possible, departments/programs/ centers regarding whether their KFS account will be charged for any promotional item requests. Estimated costs will be provided for the items requested, should a department/program/center prefer to withdraw their request.

    Other Considerations

    • The Dean’s Office is required to place orders only through the University of Connecticut’s approved vendor, JMA. The Dean’s Office is committed to following UConn’s branding and logo standards, and must follow all University of Connecticut Purchasing policies in placing orders.
    • Note that, for certain promotional items, ordering in a larger quantity may translate to some cost savings.
    • Grant-funded research projects may not have funding available explicitly for purchase of promotional items associated with their project. In such cases, promotional item orders may nevertheless need to be charged back to the KFS account associated with the department/program/center in which the research project resides. The Neag School Assistant Dean and Chief Operating Officer will review such requests as appropriate.
    • Note that the gift policy for state employees is limited to items valued at under $10.
    • If you currently have promotional items that feature old or out-of-use logos, please cease from using them. If unsure, the Communications Team is available to answer any questions.

    Additional Resources

    The Neag School Office of Communications website provides a range of communications resources relating to branding; be sure to refer to the Resources webpage. For additional guidance on the University’s branding standards, including UConn’s fonts, color palette, and/or other templates or wordmarks, please visit brand.uconn.edu.